Zenz Technologies

Zenz Technologies is proud to announce its 10th anniversary

posted on 17 April 2023

Zenz Technologies celebrates 10 years of helping companies add more Zenz to their business!

Amsterdam, April 17, 2023 – Zenz Technologies, leading provider of cutting-edge decision support systems for the commercial decision making in the travel industry, is proud to announce its 10th anniversary.

Founded in 2013 by Timo van Donselaar, Raymond Kat and Ward Kuipers, Zenz Technologies has grown to an established analytics solutions provider, serving more than 20 of the world’s most prominent airlines, cruise lines and rail companies. With a fast-growing team of highly trained professionals, Zenz helps companies to optimize their pricing, forecasting, and revenue management strategies.

“We are thrilled to celebrate this milestone with our customers and employees who have supported us throughout our journey”, said Raymond Kat, founding partner and Managing Director of Zenz Technologies. “We are grateful for their trust and loyalty, and we look forward to continuing to deliver value and excellence to them in the years ahead”.

Timo van Donselaar, founding partner and Technical Director of Zenz Technologies, added: “We are proud of what we have achieved in the past decade, but we are also excited about the future. We believe that the upcoming developments in AI and machine learning will offer tremendous opportunities to further enhance our products and services”.

Ward Kuipers, founding partner and Commercial Director of Zenz Technologies concluded: “Providing great customer service has always been at the forefront of everything we do at Zenz, and we’re very grateful that this is recognized by our customers”. He added: “It is our mission to remain the top choice for commercial decision support systems in the travel industry”.

Zenz Technologies plans to celebrate its 10th anniversary with a series of events and activities throughout the year. Zenz will be attending the World Aviation Festival in Lisbon, which will be held at the end of September of this year. Zenz expects to be announcing three new customers in the weeks to come.