Zenz Technologies

Zenz Technologies is now ISO 27001 certified

posted on 29 November 2022

Zenz Technologies is now ISO 27001 certified
Zenz Technologies has been recognized as an ISO 27001 certified company. We have taken all the necessary measures to ensure your data is well-protected and to meet the highest internationally acknowledged security standards.

Amsterdam, 29 November ’22 – An independent audit was successfully conducted, which underlines Zenz Technologies’ commitment to information security in the fields of software development, implementation, and product support. The certificate has been issued on 7 November 2022, stating that the standards are fully applicable since that date.

In short, this means that Zenz Technologies has a world-class information security management system in place!

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an independent, international organization that sets the global standards for security and safety. ISO consults experts all over the world to create standards that define what excellence looks like. ISO 27001 is a part of the ISO 27000 family of standards, which are all related to information security.
ISO 27001 requires a company to have an information security management system, which means having documented processes for managing (sensitive) company information, HR processes, and IT systems.

Being ISO 27001 certified is a testament to the fact that Zenz Technologies prioritizes data security. It therewith ensures that:

  • Customer data is rigorously protected.
  • Zenz Technologies assesses, minimizes, and eliminates risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Zenz Technologies is compliant with the highest standards for information security.
  • Zenz Technologies has an internal culture of security, so all employees prioritize information security by design.
  • There is operational excellence when it comes to Zenz Technologies’ IT, HR, and information processes.

This certification is the latest milestone in our information security roadmap to continuously demonstrate our commitment to data security.

“Zenz Technologies is continuously committed to build trust through third party security assurances such as ISO 27001,” said Zenz Technologies Founding Partner & CTO, Timo van Donselaar. “Knowing that a third party has affirmed our security management processes for both our infrastructure and the software we provide is key in furthering the confidence of our existing and prospective customers. Everyone at Zenz Technologies is deeply dedicated to protecting clients’ data, and we’re very happy to have our ISO 27001 certification to prove it.”

About Zenz Technologies

Founded in 2013, Zenz Technologies delivers disruptive technology that is reshaping the airline business intelligence to generate insights for better decision-making. It is innovative, scalable and powerful, providing the entire spectrum of analytics and multidimensional data visualization with real-time actionable insights, reports and alerts. Zenz Technologies aims to become the leading provider of decision support systems for the airline business and related industries. Zenz Technologies brings decades of experience in airline revenue management and the development of decision support systems to the table and offers a multifunctional team to customize the product to unique requirements.

For media queries please contact:

Ward Kuipers – Founding Partner and Commercial Director, Zenz Technologies: