Zenz Technologies

Industry solutions

Specific solutions that tackle complex decision problems for various industries

Industry solutions

Our business expertise covers both commercial as well as operational decision making: pricing, revenue management, forecasting, strategic planning, finance, for a wide range of industries, including the airline, railway, hotel, logistics and cruise industry. Our strategy of fully in-house developed software enables us to customize our systems to fit the decision support challenges of any industry. Combined with the solid mathematical background of our staff we can develop and integrate any model into our systems, be it forecasting, optimization or big data analysis.

For example, our network planning decision support system enables our users to apply state-of-the-art competitive analysis models (QSI/Logit) to customized scenarios for network changes. They can edit and review the results within one single interface. Here we apply our standard analytics framework to the generated data sets that result from the competitive analysis scenarios. This set-up enables fast iterations to shape the optimal airline network. A dramatic change in process if you come from separate systems for analyzing the existing situation, editing scenarios, running the model and then collecting all results in Excel. And that is currently standard practice in the industry.

Other solutions we have successfully implemented include decision support systems for crew planning and price recommendations, for which we applied the same philosophy: build custom models on top of the advanced core to capture the benefits of both.

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  • Fully customized to your needs
  • Integrated solutions
  • Big data analysis
  • Forecasting and predictive analytics
  • What-if scenario analysis
  • Optimization