Zenz Technologies

Software Engineer C++


 As a Software Engineer C++ at Zenz Technologies, you are responsible for developing and innovating decision support systems that make large amounts of data insightful for customers. These customers are typically airlines, cruise and railway companies, and they use these systems to make decisions about, for example, the prices of airline tickets.

You develop functionalities in the C++ codebase, and for the web application in ReactJS. These functionalities provide insight into customer data in an attractive and visual way. The functionalities you work on, are based on your own ideas, or on customers’ specific wishes. In addition, you provide technical support to colleagues responsible for implementation projects.

You are part of the ZenzLib team, together with five Software Engineers and a Partner.

If you like to contribute to a industry-leading analytics platform with creative ideas, and you can work independently, then this is the job for you.
Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri

Working week


"On an enjoyable day, my colleagues and I come up with an idea for a new feature. During that afternoon I start developing this and at the end of the day I can already show some results."

Mon 😃 Tue Wed 🤔 Thu Fri
Team Meeting
Team Meeting
Team Meeting
Team Meeting
Team Meeting
Providing technical support
Developing web application in ReactJS
Developing new features on C++
Discussing project with customer
Developing features in C++
Meeting sprint planning
Fixing bug
Developing web application in ReactJS
Discussion with colleague
Table tennis
Developing features in C++
Table tennis
Testing feature
Providing technical support
Developing web application in ReactJS
Discussing project with customer
Table Tennis
Developing web application in ReactJS
Developing new features in C++
Fixing bug
Table tennis
Discuss with colleague
Providing technical support
Showing new feature to colleagues
Developing web application in ReactJS
Testing feature

Ask a question directly

Raymond Kat

First hand experience

A customer requests if you can develop a complex feature that is only relevant to them. How do you proceed?

The customer wants to be able to load data to the Zenz system from their own system. Since the customer built their own system, this is quite a specific request. Therefore, you consult with your colleagues: will you only develop a feature for this specific customer, or is it a better idea to develop a generic data-import-routine that can be used by all customers? You decide that the latter option is the best.

Once you have mapped this out, you will develop the feature. This often happens in several iterations: in this case the entire process took four months. During the development, you test the feature several times, and when your feature is finished, it is tested by a colleague before you send it to the customer. Before the feature goes live, the customer also tests it multiple times. You regularly consult with your colleagues and the customer to make sure everything is to their liking. It is satisfying to know that you have made something that makes it easier to fulfill similar requests from other customers.


Because Zenz Technologies is a small company, you can get more responsibilities and bigger projects quickly. There is a lot of training on the job, as well as budget to participate in external courses and trainings.

Working at Zenz Technologies

Zenz Technologies, a Dutch company, has specialized in developing tailor-made decision support systems since 2013. The three founders have more than fifty years of experience in airline revenue management. Currently, revenue management departments of air lines, train- and cruise companies from all over the world use ZenzTech software. Zenz Technologies built this software from scratch and is constantly improving it. Besides this, Zenz Technologies keeps her customers happy through a personal approach and quick response to questions and requests.

Interesting job?

If you are interested in programming and data, you like to contribute to an industry-leading analytics platform with creative ideas, and do not mind to work with clients from all over the world, then this is the job for you.

Why did you decide to work for this company? Before I started working here, I worked at an airline where I used the Zenz software. I thought it would be fun to make that software myself and I could learn a lot from the three founders of Zenz, so when the opportunity arose, I switched. What was your previous job? Revenue Analyst. What do you do in your spare time? Traveling, hiking, reading and spend time with my daughter.

Vivian Lodewijckx (34) Head of Operations