Zenz Technologies

We help you make better decisions

Advanced decision support systems
Made by business experts
Fully customized to your needs

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Zenz offers a unique profile: business expertise with a solid mathematical background, using state-of-the-art, proven technology

More than experts

Zenz people are multifunctional people. We are business consultants, software engineers and data scientists in one person. This results in an extremely efficient development process. It also means that we can uncover business opportunities while working with you.


Agile development

We can deliver a first working version in a very short period of time. Think days, not weeks. From there, the development process is iterative, in very close cooperation with the end users, through proto-typing. This approach assures that the end product exceeds your expectations.


Custom to your needs

Our solutions are entirely developed in-house. This gives us the unique opportunity to fully customize the end-product to fit your needs always taking into account your business processes and daily decision making.

"Zenz saves us time; more time to spend on analysis that matter"

“Thanks to Zenz the analysis time of the team is really dedicated to understand demand patterns and take good decisions instead to manage the information in spreadsheets or involve IT for sofisticated analysis.
Speed of the solution is unique versus all the BI solutions I used. We finally decided to work with Zenz to develop also a custom system of Revenue Management.”

Luigi De Filippo | Senior Vice President Revenue Management | Silversea Cruises

“Powerful tool fully adopted in our decision making process”

“After two hours training, our Revenue Management analyst is able to navigate into the tool, using several dimensions analysis and kpi’s to take tactical decisions and to build in a very flexible way reports and dashboard to support his daily work.
Really impressive is how quick we can create new kpi’s and integrate new data sources, to build new capabilities to fit our analytical needs”

Luca Garritano | Head of Revenue Management | MSC Cruises

"An excellent partner for WestJet"

“Zenz Technologies has been an excellent partner for WestJet.  Their revenue management application has delivered efficiencies throughout our team, allowing analysts to quickly assess all of the information required to plan strategy and make tactical decisions.  The system has allowed us to improve reporting and managerial oversight, and to gain better insight into performance drivers.  We have been impressed by the implementation and ongoing support from the team at Zenz Technologies.”

John Weatherill | VP Revenue Management | Westjet

"Flexibility, from the tool and the team"

“Zenz has developed a very efficient decision support system, created by experienced people from the airline industry, with a very flexible technology, which both give a real advantage versus other providers. The user-friendliness and intuitiveness of the system interface, combined with significant capabilities, perfectly fits our analytical needs.The knowledge and reactivity of the support team should also be highlighted. That definitively represents a valuable asset to take into account our continuous evolutions as well as those of the industry. Flexibility, from the tool and the team, is therefore a key value of Zenz which contributes to make it sophisticated and efficient.”

Pierre Abraham | Head of Revenue Management and Pricing | Corsair International