Zenz Technologies

Data Analytics Engineer


As a Data Analytics Engineer at Zenz Technologies, you work together with clients to give them optimal insight in their data. You do this partly by means of extensive implementation projects, and partly by delivering support once the software has been implemented. Clients are often airlines and train companies, and you work closely together to fully understand their business needs and wishes.

As Zenz aims to maintain long term relationships with their clients, it is essential to ensure the client receives high quality support. You do this by building a strong relationship with the clients’ stakeholder(s) as well as the application users. You can assist clients where needed because you are easily approachable and have extensive knowledge of the software. You understand the coding behind the software and are able to translate the clients wishes into clean code. Besides this, you also host business visits or digital meetings to show the users the software’s features.

You are the first point of contact for the clients under your responsibility. Therefore, it is important to have business, customer and programming skills.

If you are interested in programming and data, you like to contribute to an industry-leading analytics platform with creative ideas, and do not mind to work with clients from all over the world, then this is the job for you.
Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri

Working week


"On a less enjoyable day, a customer changed his mind late in the project. This means I have to re-do some work. Luckily, I anticipated this by designing a flexible logic."

Mon Tue Wed 🤔 Thu 😊 Fri
Reading and answering
Reading and answering
Reading and answering
Reading and answering
Day start
Day start
Day start
Day start
Day start
Reading and answering
Programming in C++
Providing support
Working session with client
Team meeting
Internal meeting with project team and partner
Contacting colleague
Planking session
Planking session
Planking session
Planking session
Planking session
Contacting colleague
Call with client
Contacting colleague
Programming in C++
Call with client
Progress meeting with client
Working session with client
Programming in C++
Going live with client
Progress meeting with client
Progress meeting with client
Zenz Matters
Meeting with colleague
Giving demo to users
Providing support
Programming in C++
Testing functionality
Working on Internal project
Providing support
Meeting with client

Ask a question directly

Raymond Kat

First hand experience

A train company wants to analyze the load factor of its trains, to maximize the number of tickets sold, and prevent wasted empty seats. How do you help them?

Together with the client, you discuss the business need and technical impact. On average a train can be quite empty on a route, but if there is one segment on the route that is already sold-out, no-one can buy a ticket from the start to the end anymore. Together, you decide that it is more interesting to look at the ‘maximum load factor’, to report per train the load factor of the segment with the highest load factor. With the internal Zenz team you discuss the technical impact, because this customised solution should of course still perform very fast.

Depending on your experience and personal preference, you will program the feature or outsource this to a Software Engineer colleague. You keep the client updated on the progress, and will demonstrate the feature once it is unrolled.


Because Zenz Technologies is a small company, you can be given more responsibilities and bigger projects quickly. There is a lot of training on the job, as well as budget to participate in external courses and training.

Working at Zenz Technologies

Zenz Technologies, a Dutch company, has specialized in developing tailor-made decision support systems since 2013. The three founders have more than fifty years of experience in airline revenue management. Currently, revenue management departments of air lines, train- and cruise companies from all over the world use ZenzTech software. Zenz Technologies built this software from scratch and is constantly improving it. Besides this, Zenz Technologies keeps her customers happy through a personal approach and quick response to questions and requests.

Interesting job?

If you are interested in programming and data, you like to contribute to an industry-leading analytics platform with creative ideas, and do not mind to work with clients from all over the world, then this is the job for you.

Why did you decide to work for this company? Before I started working here, I worked at an airline where I used the Zenz software. I thought it would be fun to make that software myself and I could learn a lot from the three founders of Zenz, so when the opportunity arose, I switched. What was your previous job? Revenue Analyst. What do you do in your spare time? Traveling, hiking, reading and spend time with my daughter.

Vivian Lodewijckx (34) Head of Operations